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‹› the healing quilt ‹›
Netta, the Soothsayer, as they called her in these hills, never minded talking to strangers. as a matter of fact, she rather enjoyed it: "if they can find us up in here, then bless 'em, they deserve our hospitality and i be happy to talk to 'em."
this particular stranger was being blessed with her stories of quilting.
"now, i be older than these here hills, but quiltin's even older than me" Netta was saying. "this here's a healin' quilt, which have been made since time stuck its head into our business. we always begin a healin' quilt when the Moon is full of herself, and finish it the next time She's full. but it's in the dark of the Moon like tonight, some call it a New Moon, that we place our truth 'n
magic into the quilt. the patterns we make don' matter so much; it's what we put in it that makes the difference. you see, everything is empty at this time, so we fill this quilt with all someone who needs healin', or wants to stay healthy, would need:
we sing songs of great health to the quilt, and breathe strong breaths of care on it. every stitch stitched on this quilt this night is overflowin' with good thoughts and magic words of support and love for those as needs it. we tell the thread before it goes in the needle that it is full of the spirit of a nurturin' nature, and tell the needle that it's piercin' through illness with the spark of the Divine. we tie off the thread with fingers of strength against passing ailments, then bite it off with the teeth to bite away any negative thinkin'. last thing is, we smooth the work that's done this night with helping hands askin' protection from the Great Unseen, to keep who ever uses this healin' quilt safe at all times...."
Netta the Soothsayer stopped talking for a moment, but the stranger noticed that her hands did not. then she offered one last proof:
"like i said, i be older than these here hills, but you wouldn't know it, cause i been sleepin' under one of these quilts most my life. got blinded in one eye when a child 'cause a hawk thought i was a tasty morsel, but i healed under that quilt, and never been sick a day since.... this here one is for the comin' baby of my great great granddaughter; bless the little one. may she always be full of all these truths...."
may we all be a healing quilt for those we love
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