about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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thursday, october 27, 2011

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‹› greatness of being ‹›

the Master Gardener held a tiny flower in her hand as she answered the young boy who had asked, "how do i become as great as you are, honored Gardener?"
"one does not become great, in my humble opinion, young Sir" she replied, opening her palm for the boy to gaze upon the flower. "greatness comes upon one by being, not becoming. greatness comes upon even the smallest, most simple flower such as this. for, greatness of being is the realization and acceptance of one's true Self, and the absolute fulfillment of that realization in life with grace and benevolence."
the Master Gardener then tossed the little flower into the air, and it hung for a moment, a giant in the sunset sky, as she continued:
"the noble flower does not consider a choice in this matter. it feels its Self fully and just is; and therefore exists in greatness. you however, as an aware thinking human, have a choice. seeking to become great could very easily steer greatness away from you.... being fully realized and sharing that beauty shall call greatness to come upon you. your choice."
the flower then fell to the ground directly in front of the young boy. thoughtfully he picked it up and walked away, giving a great magnitude of gratitude to the Gardener for her wisdom.

greatness of being who we are, not what we are...


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