about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

wednesday, october 12, 2011

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‹› the dream become reality ‹›
"i see you have an Orb following you" said Vortuna, the Seer who lived at the edge of the forest.
"yes!" answered Erubia, "i am so relieved you can see it. that is why i have come to you Vortuna. i woke from a dream that stayed with me; i was dreaming about this beautiful Orb following me, and speaking to me, and when i awoke, it was still there and has been all day. can you tell me what it means?"
"i am glad i can see it too" chuckled Vortuna. "would not be much worth as a Seer if i could not. perhaps i can tell you what it means, dear Erubia. of what was the Orb speaking?"
"it insists on saying, even now; 'i am your mystical, magical self, Erubia'. it whispers, it sings, it shouts... but always the same thing. i thought i was going mad."
"no, dear girl, you're not going mad" Vortuna laughed again; "you are being awakened. you had this dream on the night of the Full Moon, did you not" Erubia nodded 'yes'. "the veil between the Realms is very thin at this time, and many wondrous things may happen. your dream world has merged with your waking world because you are being told something by that deep inner part of yourself which is connected to the Divine Creation. this Orb is indeed your mystical magical self, and is imploring you by its insistence to recognize it and live within it, as it lives within you. it is asking you to finally stop ignoring your intuition and power, and see the signs sent from within and without. this dream become reality is definitely a sign; a sign of an awakening spiritual awareness, which your Self does not want you to dismiss as 'unreal'."
Erubia noticed that as she listened to Vortuna, the Orb moved closer and closer to her. she began to feel it surrounding her as Vortuna continued:
"this beautiful Orb is showing to you another level of consciousness within, and telling you that the Divine Creation is ready for you to tap into that infinite wisdom and knowledge available to those who have eyes and hearts to see. not only, my dear Erubia, is the wisdom prepared for you, but you are prepared for it. accept it, take it into you as you do food and drink. let it guide you and nurture you on your Way. this dream come into reality is assuredly a sign that you are ready to proceed upon your natural, innate mystical, magical path... and that the Divine Creation is not only opening the path for you, but truly championing you on the way. it begs you to enjoy this journey and appreciate the abundance it will bring to you. glory be, dear girl; listen to it!"
as Vortuna said this, Erubia heard the Orb singing more and more and flowing into her and out of her at the same time. her true awakening had begun.

we are all dreamers of our reality
saxz ∞

‹› the dream become reality ‹›
"i see you have an Orb following you" said Vortuna, the Seer who lived at the edge of the forest.
"yes!" answered Erubia, "i am so relieved you can see it. that is why i have come to you Vortuna. i woke from a dream that stayed with me; i was dreaming about this beautiful Orb following me, and speaking to me, and when i awoke, it was still there and has been all day. can you tell me what it means?"
"i am glad i can see it too" chuckled Vortuna. "would not be much worth as a Seer if i could not. perhaps i can tell you what it means, dear Erubia. of what was the Orb speaking?"
"it insists on saying, even now; 'i am your mystical, magical self, Erubia'. it whispers, it sings, it shouts... but always the same thing. i thought i was going mad."
"no, dear girl, you're not going mad" Vortuna laughed again; "you are being awakened. you had this dream on the night of the Full Moon, did you not" Erubia nodded 'yes'. "the veil between the Realms is very thin at this time, and many wondrous things may happen. your dream world has merged with your waking world because you are being told something by that deep inner part of yourself which is connected to the Divine Creation. this Orb is indeed your mystical magical self, and is imploring you by its insistence to recognize it and live within it, as it lives within you. it is asking you to finally stop ignoring your intuition and power, and see the signs sent from within and without. this dream become reality is definitely a sign; a sign of an awakening spiritual awareness, which your Self does not want you to dismiss as 'unreal'."
Erubia noticed that as she listened to Vortuna, the Orb moved closer and closer to her. she began to feel it surrounding her as Vortuna continued:
"this beautiful Orb is showing to you another level of consciousness within, and telling you that the Divine Creation is ready for you to tap into that infinite wisdom and knowledge available to those who have eyes and hearts to see. not only, my dear Erubia, is the wisdom prepared for you, but you are prepared for it. accept it, take it into you as you do food and drink. let it guide you and nurture you on your Way. this dream come into reality is assuredly a sign that you are ready to proceed upon your natural, innate mystical, magical path... and that the Divine Creation is not only opening the path for you, but truly championing you on the way. it begs you to enjoy this journey and appreciate the abundance it will bring to you. glory be, dear girl; listen to it!"
as Vortuna said this, Erubia heard the Orb singing more and more and flowing into her and out of her at the same time. her true awakening had begun.

we are all dreamers of our reality
saxz ∞


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