about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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thursday, october 13, 2011

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‹› reverberations ‹›
"he's called the Gypsy Wizard" said Big Burly, gesturing toward the man sitting by the campfire on the other side of the railroad crossing. Big Burly was talking to his new friend Scarecrow; "he rides the rails and he doesn't talk much, S.C., but when he does, it always seems to be something you need to hear." in silent agreement, they both ambled over to listen to the Gypsy Wizard who was talking to several people already.
"....so it is necessary to realize that you can vanquish those monsters...." he looked up at the approaching duo, gestured openly to Scarecrow and said, "sit down here, young man. this is for you to hear." as S.C. and B.B. sat, the Gypsy continued:
"these monsters i'm talking about are your fears, your phobias, and the doubts that keep you bound to a life that is restricted by them. you see, that which you fear binds you to the fear itself. a paradox for sure, but fear does not want to let go of you, you have to let go of it. your thoughts are like the engineer on that train: if they are fearful, the ride is going to be frightening and the reverberation of that ride is going to keep you frightened all the way down the track ahead of you. every roll of the train' wheel is going to touch that fearful reverberation on and on and on.... and keep you fettered to it. so, it is necessary to realize that you can vanquish those monsters and be free. next time, when you come to the entrance of a dark and scary tunnel, you might want to stay on that track of fear and pass it up, but that gets you nowhere fast. if you will just shift your thoughts a bit every time that happens, by believing there is always a light at the end of it... one time you will take the track that goes into the tunnel, and see that it is not as dark as it first appeared. you have begun to conquer those beasts already. and then, when you do go ahead into that tunnel, and you can't turn around you know, you will keep right on ahead with a new reverberation on the tracks; one of inner strength and certainty. and that new reverberation will certainly take you all the way to the light at the end of that tunnel, believe me. and as you arrive out into that light, you will find renewed belief in yourself, joy in the ride, and a real sense of accomplishment. the true riches of this life will come to you, nurture you, and you will never have get on that train of fears again. so remember" and here the Wizard looked straight at Scarecrow, "if you keep passing up that tunnel because you can't see the light around the curves, then you are listening to your fears, letting them control you... and you may never come to know the greatness into which you may grow...."
the Gypsy Wizard was quiet then and people started to leave the campfire, nodding and mumbling agreement. and he heard Scarecrow say to Big Burly as the duo walked away, "i want to change my name B.B. ~ from now on, call me T.L... The Lion. i'm gonna vanquish those monsters...."

blessings await at the end of the tunnel


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