about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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friday, october 14, 2011

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‹› a layer of hope ‹›

as was often the case in the presence of Gaithen, the Master Geomancer, the world appeared somehow organically surreal as she wove her magic tapestry of telling.
"Layers..." Gaithen was saying to those gathered to hear, "perhaps there are layers upon layers of universes, of space and time, of lives lived.... there are definitely layers upon layers which comprise the Earth, and also those which comprise the human experience of emotion and being. these layers tell a story of endurance and growth, of extreme disruption and reparation. we see the layers of the inner core of the Earth and of humans making pathways to the surface." the Geomancer began to move her hand over a wall of rock next to which they were standing . it magically became fluid and started to pulse and roll as if alive, as she continued:
"and i see in this movement of rock, that all of you here have had despair laid upon your surface, and perhaps in your heart, in one way or another. you have found that this can either destroy you, or bring you to a stronger bedrock eventually. if you survive the hills and twists and turns of these laminated layers of despair, you will be stronger as you progress on your path. the layers of pain and joy can sometimes lie directly on top of each other in the duality of this life and must be dealt with simultaneously. there, i see the layer of achievement felt through survival of adversity, and the deepening of the core of the inner self. ...and there again, i see the celebration brought forth by this sense of overcoming the granite of life's obstacles.... the world, the universe, open their hearts to you at these times. these are the layers to which you must apply your memory and your sincere appreciation, for they help to create the most potent and beneficial layer of all. this is the one thing to remember as you traverse the layer upon layer of hills and rocks in life: no matter how difficult, no matter how despairing and painful one layer may become, if you continue to appreciate all that has been good in your life and praise and honor the blessings brought to you, you are building the layer which will last and last through layer upon layer ~ the layer of hope..."
at that moment, two butterflies happened to fly between Gaithen and the group as she finished: "...and then, just as these beautiful butterflies, you will rise from the chrysalis of despair into the freedom of flight, on the wings of your hope."

blessings to all

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