about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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sunday, october 2, 2011

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‹› reflections of reciprocity  ‹›

"but, Master Zend, she accosted me first..." exclaimed the young student, "and i have been told that one of the great teachings, 'an eye for an eye', gives me the right to accost her back!"
"ahh, yes" responded the teacher quietly. "one of the great teachings assuredly. however, whosoever told you that may have been misinterpreting the teaching. i believe it to mean that if your life you take an eye, metaphorically, the workings of time and the Great Divine will ultimately take an eye of yours in a sense of balance and justice. the reflection of 'as above so below' is 'as below, so above' ~ what you create dear student, you shall receive. this is the truth of reciprocity...." the young boy sat down in quiet contemplation, and Master Zend continued speaking:
"you may also have heard of another teaching from one of the wisest, enlightened teachers of the past world: 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'" many of the students nodded their heads in recognition. "let us look at the reflected perspective of that statement. perhaps it could read, 'what we do not want to be done to ourselves, we must not do to each other.' even, in my opinion, if they do it first to us. they are creating their own reciprocity in the scheme of creation, but there is no reason for you to create the same negativity in your own karmic path. also, young sir" as he looked directly at the first student, "be careful to not aggressively nor righteously point to the faults of others, lest your own faults be thus exposed...." smiling a little to soften the admonition, the teacher proceeded.
"reciprocity also works in a positive manner: know that whatever we do is reflected in our future. the more we give of what we have to others, the more our own lives become abundant. if we help people and care for life, our lives will be cared for and rewarding. these are reflections of our actions. if we build a bridge with strong pylons, the bridge and the reflection of that  bridge will also be strong. strength for construction of our lives comes from benevolence, compassion, humility and wisdom; so gather these in abundance as you build your lives, and truth, blessings and prosperity shall follow you into your future."
 Master Zend left the room then to allow the students to cogitate or confer. as he walked out, he heard the first student speaking to the young girl; "please forgive me.. i needed not take revenge upon you..." and she responded, "please forgive me. i needed not take that path in the first place...."
and all the students seemed to be reflecting on reciprocity and its reflections.

blessings upon your path
saxz ∞


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