about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

saturday, october 1, 2011

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 ‹› completion and beginning ‹›
"it is gratifying to see the fullness of diversity in this group" began T'ahvi, the representative of the World Council of Seers. "this is precisely what our world truly desires to be: all life living in harmony with all life, and respectful of each other. beings of all shapes, beliefs, persuasions, races, species, working together in peace." he was speaking to the New Council of Global Design, and after thunderous applause and vocal approval, T'ahvi continued:
"some of you here, i know, have just celebrated the entrance into your New Year; ; to you, and to all, i say, Shana Tova Umetukah, may you have a good and sweet year. auspiciously, Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year of people and animals, is the perfect time to share the Seers divination for the New Council. 
"we are indeed at a time of celebration, for we have come, as a World, to a point of completion, signified by the very creation of this Council. and, we are about to embark on a new journey. the Seers find many potent and positive signs gathering around this journey. the World has a chance to step into peace, respect and harmony from now on, but only if we as individuals choose to do so. the Seers 'see' that it is truly necessary for every being to allow these concepts to be infused into the fiber of their life. nothing less will work. it is each person's responsibility to live as examples of this Utopian ideal, and inspire, with that example, others to see the wealth of possibilities therein. 
after a celebration of completion, a goal realized, there can be a time filled with a feeling of emptiness. do not allow this to happen. become immediately the foetus, the nucleus, of the coming birth. as a group, and as individuals, hold your integrity dear as we begin this new path of enlightened thought and design. keep hold of the excitement of this portentous adventure, and allow every decision, every action, to be drawn from the desire for a World working and playing together for the highest possible good. proceed joyfully into the unknown, bringing all of the resources of the past, but none of the old patterns of oppression and destruction. in this manner, the 'new year' into which we step shall last for ages, and bring health, wealth and boundless blessings to all. Shana Tova."
T'ahvi then left the dais followed by copious shouts of agreement which he was indeed gratified to hear.

with hope for the future
saxz ∞


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