about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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monday, october 3, 2011

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‹› follow the Bee ‹›
Alisha was wishing for some guidance when, coming out of nowhere, an extremely large bee circled her head three times. as she would later swear to everyone while telling the story, the bee was singing, "follow me Alisha, to find what you need... follow me, and you shall see... follow me...." not being able to deny what she was hearing, Alisha followed the bee into a beautiful, verdant part of the garden she did not know existed. when they arrived at one place with a multitude of bees flying around flowers, the extraordinarily large bee circled Alisha again and before her eyes changed into a regal woman with honey gold hair. astoundingly, the bee~become~woman spoke with a voice of dripping nectar:
"my name is Mellonia" she said to Alisha, "and i see that you feel stuck in life. this is why i have come to you now in the likeness of the Bee Goddess. the old Britons had a saying; 'ask the Bee what the Druids knew'. so perhaps, dear girl, we should look to these wise and humble beings for guidance." enamoured of this wondrous woman in front of her, Alisha whispered "yes, please Mellonia. tell me what they have to say." Mellonia smiled broadly, then went on in that mellifluous voice:
"it is not so much what they say, dear, as it is what they do, and what they represent. first of all, you feel that what you expect of yourself is impossible. the Bee is by all accounts the very symbol of accomplishing the impossible. Aerodynamically, the Bee should not be able to fly; however, they obviously do fly by the quick and strong movement of their wings. in this manner, they show you that you can accomplish anything you may dream or imagine, anything to which you apply your mind and strength of purpose. the Bee manifests her dreams daily, without question, as can you Alisha, if you so choose.. and if you pursue them with unflagging belief and commitment. follow her industriousness in your life, and you to shall succeed. bring the spirit of her patient and focused work into your own activities, and you too will gather the nectar of life and carry it to others. the Bee, remember, not only takes nectar, but she also enables the flower to bear fruit, creating more flowers. she not only takes, but also gives back, as would be wise for you to do as you progress in life.
"the Bee has been adored and honored, even revered, throughout human history as a symbol of diligence and wisdom. they also have been known to be the conduit between the spirit world and this tangible existence you experienc here. many, many virtues this beautiful being possesses, and should you agree to emulate the Bee for even a while, you will see your life grow productive and exciting. you will find enhanced focus and more fruitful results to your actions. your spiritual energy and mental clarity will soar, and you will be able to share them in cooperation with others as does the Bee. dear Alisha, you will ultimately be in command of a mystical magic, if you follow the Bee's extraordinary example...."
at that moment, Mellonia began to shift again into the form of a Bee, and as she flew around Alisha's head yet three more times, Alisha heard her singing, "the honeycomb of the illustrious Bee is as the sweetness of life in your hear... always take your heart along, Alisha... always take your heart along...."

follow the Bee, and you shall see....
saxz ∞


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