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‹› the second mask ‹›
as a thespian at heart, Helena was inclined to be dramatic when she was doing divinations. and, since she was a wondrous and magical Seer, people always gathered with excitement to hear her tellings. on this night, Helena was wearing and ornate mask and had given everyone else a mask to wear as well. she began by walking close to the crowd and staring silently through her mask at each pair of eyes there. then in that hypnotized atmosphere she spoke:
"we all wear masks, do we not? some time or another for some reason or another, we all have our masks of life. you all here now wear two masks ~ the one i gave you, and the one you have been wearing for far too long....." at that point, Helena pulled off her mask and threw it into the night sky. amazed, the crowd watched it grow and grow until Helena's eyes through the mask peered at them from high above. when her voice came again, the very air seemed to be speaking:
"time in this plane is precious. some of us waste far too much of it hiding behind a laminated mask of Ego and training. if you live your life behind a mask, you are not living fully. you are not allowing your true self to be seen, preventing those around you from knowing you fully. you may not even allow yourself to know yourself fully. what keeps you wearing this second mask? what stops you from taking it off? search your true self and find out. look into your heart and see if you are presenting that true self to the world. if you are not, know that it is time to remove those masks. waste no more time being something you are not. become the truth you know exists inside. allow yourself to open and see the real world in which you exist ~ and allow that world to see you! it is time to remove those masks!"
with that, a spirited wind blew by and the masks worn by the crowd magically flew off and disappeared into the night sky. everyone looked around at their neighbors with new and questioning eyes, as Helena's eyes and mask faded away in the sky.
allowing and accepting the true self, a blessing indeed...
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