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‹› faith in belief ‹›
"there are many stories and legends told of M'ethuselah, the most ancient and long~lived dragon in memory... and most of them are true" the Dragon Wizard said with a slight chuckle. "it has been my privilege, dear students, to hear many of them from the mouth of the 'Wisdom Dragon' himself. when i was a Justborn, and M'ethuselah was already the oldest dragon known, it was told that he was the first dragon to shift into human form. as you know, dragons do this as easily as breathing now, and must do so to walk this beautiful Earth unhampered. however, when i heard of this changing of form, it was a relatively new skill, and i wished to know more about it's beginnings; so one day, i asked M'ethuselah himself.
'Revered Dragon of Wisdom' said i to him, 'would you please tell us how you discovered that you could shapeshift?'
'discovered!?' the old dragon bellowed at me. 'it had nothing to do with discovery, young pup. it had to do with belief.... well, actually it had to do with the transcendence of belief.'
'the transcendence of belief?' i naively asked.
'do they teach thee nothing?' rasped M'ethuselah. 'ah well, i shall enlighten thee: i believed, adamantly, that it was possible to take the form of a human, and i desired very much to do so. i attempted it many, many times without success. i tried every form of magic known to dragons, with futile results. i was on the verge of quitting the quest, an unusual thing for a dragon as thee know, when i felt a vibration roll through my heart and a voice in my inner ear. the vibration continued to shake me as the voice spoke: "examine thy belief well." not wishing to ignore such a sending, i did just that. and whilst examining my belief, i discovered that....' the old dragon stopped short and looked directly at me then and said, 'hmmm mm. forgive me, young pup, for my rashness of before; perhaps it was truly a discovery.' he laughed a low laugh and continued.
'...i discovered that every time i attempted to shift, somewhere deep in my being there was disbelief. somewhere hidden away was a piece of cynicism that whispered doubt into my belief. "this can not actually happen," it would say to me. "it is fantasy..." well young sir, when i realized this, i was a bit shocked truth to tell. however, i also realized that faith was the answer. i had not complete faith in my belief, and if it was ever to come to fruition i must find that faith. from that instant on, i began to eradicate any piece of cynicism or doubt i found inside that belief. the change, the transformation, was almost immediate, i tell you. the very next time i sought to shift, with full and unabridged faith in my belief, it happened as easily as long breath doth come. that was the transcendence of belief of which i spoke; the transcendence into faith; in myself and in my belief.... and that, my dear Justborn, is when i began to teach pups like thee the secrets of Dragon Lore.'
and my dear students" the Dragon Wizard finished, "in the teaching of those secrets, M'ethuselah the Wisdom Dragon would often repeat; 'Have Faith in Thy Belief. if thee do so, nothing shall remain impossible.'"
T'saragon soom delicasz
'may thy flight be gracious'
saxz ∞
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