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‹› the intent of power ‹›
the statue in the garden had been renowned for centuries. the garden itself was a special place for learning and enlightenment, and she, the statue, had been seen 'coming to life' unannounced at various times and offering a wide range of teachings. as an icon she was well known for great compassion and mercy; as a teacher she held those same qualities. on this day, one student witnessed her head turn as an apparition inside the statue, and immediately called for everyone else to come. as they arrived, the spirit of this engaging and revered lady began to address them with grace and calm.
"this exquisite garden has been the site of many true and exemplary teachings of growth and enlightenment, and many of you have received an abundant amount of strength and inner power as blessings from those teachings. today, i wish to speak of that power you have achieved.
power is innate in every scrap of life. at one level, power is a storm which, uncontrollable, changes the face of the scape of life with utter disregard, taking the power of everything else with it in its course.... at another level, it is the containment of the smallest of particles, with the force of the entire universe behind it. power in and of itself is neither destructive or constructive ~ it is the intent with which power is used that gives it its qualities. this is exceedingly important to remember now that you have attained a certain amount of control over your inner power, which can significantly alter the world as you know it. in my humble estimation, the difference between innate power and 'true' power lies in the exercising of this control, with intent as its guiding force. you have been empowered by the grace of enlightenment and teachings which have led you to find the truth of your inner strengths and your higher Self. it is correct to constantly remember this grace and these teachings and be vigilant with discernment as you make decisions in the use of your inner power, for power can be quite enchanting and lead you astray before you are aware. always form your intent with the knowledge of your entire organism ~ your heart, your mind, your body and your soul ~ and your path in this will remain pure. do not be hasty to use power for yourself or others before you have informed your intent in this manner, and you will continue to be working with true for the highest possible good. remember to consistently hold mercy and compassion in reverence, and your true power will forever hold these qualities."
the spirit of the lady then began to dissolve back into stone, and the statue became a statue once again. but she would never be just a statue to those whose lives were guided this day by her graceful appearance.
may we all bring the highest enlightenment into our intentions.
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