about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

tuesday, october 4, 2011

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‹› Fruit of the Star ‹›
Ariana was a wise teacher and mentor without a doubt, and all respected her in that guise. they also revered her as a magnificent Seer and would go to her at times without appointment, for she always knew when someone was coming for a telling, and seemed always available when one chose to seek her. this night was no different: as the young woman approached her from the road, Ariana was slicing Star Fruit on a board and cards of divination lay everywhere around her.  without looking up from her task, Ariana spoke to the woman:
"you are the Star, Sushan, and the fruit is that which comes to you now from your labors. please sit dear girl, open your heart and listen. the five-pointed star of this fruit when sliced is a pentacle and indicates that worldly gain is upon your doorstep. you have been quite disciplined in your growth and understanding Sushan, and this has prepared you well for the productivity that is arriving. now is the time to build upon this foundation, the one that lives in your thoughts and  dreams and manifest yet more stability in your waking life. you have almost finished the work needed to realize these dreams, and it is good that you are ready for the coming events. however, do not rest on the foundation, rather continue to help it grow as you progress. it is important that you maintain your positive attitude, and always be grateful for the fruit provided. you are the Star Sushan; continue to shine through.
"also, notice how this star fruit is overflowing with with sweet and luscious liquid. this tells of your passionate heart and the emotions and desires that fill it to overflowing. be cautious that these emotions do not rule your actions, but inform them. if you listen to this flowing now, you will be able to channel your desires into reality, and find that sweet and luscious love you seek. the time is at hand; i see the start of a new or intensified relationship. drink of it with love as it flows from the cup, being ever grateful, and the vessel will never empty. you are the Star Sushan; continue to shine through.
"now with all this said, look at the tree from which this start has come. it is heavily laden with fruit, dear girl. this  signifies for you, that the gain you will see in mateerial and emotional comfort will be better than you can imagine and will last for a time of great length.... if, that is, you hold on to your prudence and your self esteem. you are worthy of this boon Sushan, but should you forget that, or become cavalier about it and abuse it, the fruit will cease to drop into your life. therefore i reiterate: be constantly grateful for that received, and yes, continue to shine through... you are the Star, Sushan; accept  that with grace and humility, and you shall always shine, and your cup will always flow with goodness and worth. a very auspicious telling, my dear."
Ariana blew a mighty breath, and all the cards of divination disappeared, and she bade Sushan to join her and eat happily of the magnificent fruit offered from the tree of munificence.

may this bounty be yours as well
blessings, saxz ∞


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