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‹› the burning wheel ‹›
his mentor sat quietly listening as the student confided in her. ", it is as if every plan i have set to in the past bit of time has gone up in smoke, burned before my very eyes. i do not know what think...."
"try not to think, my dear boy" the mentor said immediately. "often we cogitate too much and don't listen enough."
"i am certainly willing to listen to you, honored teacher" whispered the student, with depression lingering in his words."
"fine" she replied, "however, i was referring to listening to yourself, to your voices inside. not the voices of pain or loss, but the voices of strength and rejuvenation. we are all riding separately and together on a great wheel of fortune, the symbol of experiences in a life, or indeed, within many lives of the turning of the great wheel. some, such as i, see it as a sphere which rolls like a wheel through linear time, but at any rate, the results are the same. as this wheel turns through cycles, many things will happen to you. at times, it might catch fire, which can seem destructive at that moment. however, if you look at it all from a larger perspective, you will realize that the fire will come and go as the wheel progresses. from that viewpoint, know that the fire can signify a re-birthing of your self with new ideas and experiences and the very next turn of the wheel could easily be in your favor. allow this transmutation to occur, beloved student, for fighting it at this juncture is futile. light your own wand of intuition with this fire, and watch it blaze brightly in a constructive way. listen to those inner voices absolutely, as the spark of the divine creativity moves you. you will be re-energized and alchemized into this birthing of a new consciousness. use the fire to propel you forward into calmer more loving waters. you will find that these waters cool the flame and bring you to serenity and can show the course for new and beneficial action. allow this cooling to move you beyond self-pity and self interest, and you may find a significant way to use your experiences with the flaming wheel to help others as well as yourself through difficult times as they come. remember, dear boy, that this is only one passage in the great turning, and it shall pass as do all passages, and become new again. you shall find marvelous success and happiness if you will not linger in the fire of what already was, and follow your intuition and heart into what is yet to be.... listen to all, but listen best to yourself, for you are your best guide."
the mentor stopped then and gazed affectionately at her student, who was breathing deeply and smiling slightly as he listened. then she put her arm around him and said,
"come, let us go down to the lake and watch the burning wheels cool in the waters of love, compassion and intuition,"
blessings to all through all passages
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