"every cloud speaks, sings, writes poetry..." spoke K'un, the cloud gazer "...if only we have eyes to see. this cloud here is obviously singing about the heart, the home of our intuition, our hopes, our emotions... the guardian of life in our bodies. and, the heart is equated with love for it is the heart who gives music to the body and the soul. some of you may be here with a heart overflowing with finding, while some may carry a heart breaking with loss. joy, pain, ecstasy, despair... these and other extremes are sounded at times by your heart's beat, and fully experienced by those who follow the path of the heart. but can there be any other way? as long as you live, you will feel the beating of your heart's path; you, and only you can choose to follow it or not. for as the poem of this particular cloud offers us; the heart knows no other way...."
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