about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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thursday, september 29, 2011

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‹› life and beauty ‹›

"What do you see?" K'uan, the Master Gardener and sometimes wizard, stood in front of the students who had followed him to the sun-dried swamp. "mud. dried, caked, cracked mud" they all answered in one way or another.
"but, Master K'uan" interjected one student, "you told us we were 'going forth into the world to espy life and beauty.' i do not see the point in looking at the dried swamp."
"ahh, yes; so i did young sir, so i did. well, one point is that there is beauty to be found everywhere ~ even in the cracked mud you see before you. it is a mosaic of story and design. perhaps there are barriers which prevent the perspective of life and beauty in unlikely places. allow me to remove one now." with that, K'uan brushed his hand down his chest and became transparent. the students gasped as one, because behind him, hidden from their view until he disappeared, grew a beautiful lotus blossom. though he could not be seen, the gardener's voice still rang like a bell in their ears:
"another point: never let anyone or anything stand between you and your view of life and beauty ~ obstructions can disappear with a thought.... 
"now, observe the flower. she exemplifies the tenacity of life, and in doing so, offers us great beauty. when life is so passionately desired, it can break through any difficulty, any negative influences, and grow in beauty and success. this takes decisiveness and fortitude to be sure, but as you can see, it can be done. even in unlikely, inhospitable places, with great forces working against you... it can be done. see her commitment, this radiant flower's. her decision to grow into beautiful life through trial and influence, has somehow made her stronger, more resilient, more brilliant. she did not seek the immutable conditions under which she had to reach fulfillment; but once there, she persevered and found way to her own nirvana of living. drink her in dear students. remember her in your hearts as you blossom in life.... another point ~ or two." this last delivered with a large and affectionate, although unseen smile.

Master K'uan slowly reappeared as the group quenched their thirst for life and beauty, laughed a friendly laugh, and said, "shall we go see what the rainforest has to offer us?"

may we all exemplify the beauty in life
saxz ∞


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