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‹› Full New Moon ‹›
"the Moon is full..." Auma, the old Seer began. "have you gone daft? it is a New Moon tonight. it is empty!" interrupted a man who was one of those gathered to hear her prognostications.
"yes, it is a New Moon" replied Auma. "and that which is empty shall fill again. yet this empty Moon is full; full of possibilities.... i see the signs. a powerful energy portal, full of magic, has opened, and this New Moon is full and ripe to begin creating abundance of all kinds. see you here" as she pointed to the star lit sky; "there are ten cups aligned in a bow of contentment across the sky. these goblets are emptied as we contemplate the darkness of our inner beings in the darkness of this Moon, and banish all thoughts and paths that hold us back from attainment. allow the cups to be thus emptied so they may be filled with your positive intentions. each star represents an auspicious possibility if you but believe unwaveringly. these stars will flow into the cups from the night sky, join with your belief and your intentions, and come to fruition as the Moon in her cycle is filled again; if you will hold true to your faith in yourself.
notice now how the stars are reflected in the water. this is the reflection of your Higher Wisdom, assuring your conscious self that these boons are not only possible, but probable... if you will hold true. feel them sparkle in your intuitive self now, and they will shine abundantly in your life as all is filled again.
also, where i am standing now, see the image of the Lady of nine Disks standing firmly on the earth, grounding your desires for worldly gain. she sings of the realization and enjoyment of the fruits of your labours over the coming weeks, bringing security and peace to your material world. she portends the filling of your pockets, as the cups portend the filling of your hearth and home with contentment; if you but hold true to your visions, to your positive intentions, as you commune with the Universe. the Lady of the Disks blankets me, and blankets you, with the true potential of this New Moon.
yes: the New Moon is full, and your chances of manifesting that which you desire, in heart, body and mind are superb.... if you will hold true...."
as the assembled group stood by the water filling their cups with possibilities, the old Seer left and took up her place as the brightest star in the night sky.
bright blessings on this dark Moon full of light
saxz ∞
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