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‹› the longest breath ‹›
as Dragon Lore tells it, he was one of the most celebrated Dragons ever known. he was a Justborn at the beginning of time, and lived so long that he was said to have had thousands of names. consequently, most affectionately called him M'ethuselah or the Wisdom Dragon. when M'ethuselah finally transitioned, everyone who could be was there to hear his last words, knowing they would be wise and important. he did not disappoint them.
as legend has it, the Wisdom Dragon raised his head up to gaze into each set of multi~faceted eyes around him, cleared his throat with a rumbling purr and a spout of fire, then spoke:
"the deeper ye breathe, the longer ye live;
the longer ye breathe, the deeper ye live.
the first breath is thine, it gift thee precious life;
every breath thereafter creates thy world.
when thee accept the breath ye take as a gift,
the breath ye give will surely be a gift to others.
thy last breath thee give back to Creative Spirit,
so She may begin anew....
everyone there witnessed what happened next, so it is not to be denied: as M'ethuselah inhaled his last, long, deep breath, he rose into the sky and began to merge with a cloud, becoming the cloud. and as he exhaled his last breath, a plume of smoke or cloud, filled with the essence of the Wisdom Dragon, streamed across the sky and encircled the world as he said,
"become One with the Breath of the Creative Spirit, and ye shall never be gone."
blessings of life to all
saxz ∞
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