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‹› the elemental fire ‹›
the Scryer rubbed his hands together briskly while talking. "you have sought me, you have found me" he said to the young woman sitting next to him on the water's edge. "so i am bound by honor to tell you what the elements have to say to you." as he continued, his hands began to glow with a surreal, fire-like quality. "see the nature in which the earth meets the water, confused in the gathering darkness about it's own shoreline? tells me already, Sheena, that this is a time of bewilderment for you, for you have been seeking something you cannot find. you are not even certain what you seek. however this is about to come to an end, and just as you have found me, you shall find that which will fulfill you in the light of your own fire."
with that, the Scryer threw his now flaming hands towards the water and a fire of that same surreal light began to blaze on the water. "the fire leaps from my hands and burns well. this is your passion.... that is what you seek Sheena, yet it is already there inside you, waiting to be taken up. fins the essence of that passion first, without concern for its specific application in your life, and its light and fire will throw the shadows away from your confusion, bringing a clarity of thought. at this time, ask your spirit, your intuition to reveal your true motives, your true heart's desire. if you do so honestly, and allow the light of your innate passion for life to light every inner corner, you shall come upon the correct action out of the chaos of possibilities. action is indicated here.... but you must act in a way distinctly different from your old and ineffective patterns. allow that which has not served you to become ash in this blaze, and as does the Phoenix, rise fully into the sky with innovation in your thoughts and in your heart. in this flight your direction will shine clearly ahead of you, and the air surrounding you will support every beat of your wings in that new direction.
i see that the sliver Moon has come to sit by the water and bask in the warmth of your fire. this tells me again, Sheena, that the state of fluctuation and uncertainty you have been experiencing is at an end, and you will be beginning a cycle new of form and full of growth. do not resist this newness, dear woman, for should you do so, you inner passion will fade to embers barely glowing as a pale reflection of your spirit. no, do not resist; fly into it with your wings fully spread and your esteem high. this new beginning is what you seek, Sheena, and you cannot fail on its path if you truly rise from the ashes of your spent past and go forward with full acceptance. open your Self to yourself and fuel your moments to come with the fore of your passion, and you shall find success."
in the next instant, the Scryer clapped his hands together sharply. the fire, the Moon and the Scryer were gone, and Sheena was left with only the reflections of clouds on the water, and her inner fire beginning to blaze.
bright blessings for successful new beginnings
saxz ∞
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