about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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sunday, september 25, 2011

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‹› healing waters ‹›
"i thought it was just a dream" Astrid began, "and when i awoke i was still in my bed. but the odd thing was that i was wet from head toe... so it must have been real on some level." all of her friends were gathered around listening, amazed at how well she looked and how energetic she was. it had been a long time since she had seemed as happy, so they all encouraged her to continue....
"as i fell asleep, i wished so much that i could feel healed and happy again. right at that moment, i saw a vision of a woman in a throne holding a cup in her hands, and she spoke to me saying, 'come with me to the healing waterfall and you shall find that for which you wish.' all of a sudden i was compelled to breathe very deeply and slowly. as i did so, i began to hear the sounds of falling water and the room seemed filled with the distinct smells of nature. the room itself swirled and twirled and i was taken along with it. i closed my eyes for a second, and when i reopened them i was next to a beautiful waterfall feeling very enchanted indeed. the Queen with the cup in her hands was sitting in the falls and i could again hear her voice, tumbling over the rocks and settling in the pool:
'breathe in the sights and scents of this healing place and the sounds of the falling Elixir of Life, Astrid' ~  and i realized then that i would do everything she asked of me. 'now, Astrid, wade into the water and place yourself under the falls where the elixir may fall onto you. become the vessel collecting the energy from the falls. let your mind go free, and feel the cleansing of body and soul that these healing waters offer you. as it pours into you, allow its power to help you release any unexpressed negative emotions or thoughts which may be stuck in your inner being. let it wash you clean of worry and useless discourse. pull the energy of life from the top of the healing falls, let it wash through you from the top of your head and empty out at your feet. you can see that you already feel better, more alive, happier. the water is taking all your concerns with it back to the pool which caresses our dear Mother Earth. feel this cycle in your body; thoughts, events, emotions running through you and out, then back in as pure, positive, healing energy.
now, listen again to the sound of the thundering water around you, dear Astrid. this is the sound of the yearning of your heart. allow it to communicate with you fully: pay attention to it, know it intimately, remember it, for it will always speak to you of the best thoughts and actions for you because it comes from your own intuition, your own heart. it will always show you the secrets behind the falls, the knowledge which you hold within.'
the Queen let me stay there in this meditation for some time, and then said 'you are now ready to carry this healing into your life, Astrid. gather some of this healing elixir and bring it back to your dreams, to your world, and know that healing has begun, and happiness can now return.' i began to dip vases into the water and then pour the contents over me, and also back into the pool. with each action dipping and pouring, i felt my room coming back into my vision. suddenly, i opened my eyes and was in my bed, dripping wet, and happier than i have been in ages.... it may have been a dream, but i do not think so. and i know that i can forever travel back to the Healing Waterfall whenever i desire or need...."
all of Astrid's friends believed her implicitly, for they could see the vast difference in her smile.

may the Healing Waters fall on you today and every day
blessings, saxz ∞


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