about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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wednesday, july 13, 2011

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‹› suspending disbelief ‹›
she had heard about the Frog Oracle many times, but being a serious and intelligent person, she generally assumed that people were either imagining him or, more likely, making him up to amuse the children. however, one day she was passing the very mysterious garden where it was said the Oracle resided. her curiosity got the better of her, so she took a deep breath and entered the garden for the first time. without warning, everything started to swirl around her and became larger and larger, or she became smaller and smaller; she couldn't tell which.
'this must be how Alice felt in Wonderland' she thought to herself. 'but that was just a story; perhaps i am having a dream...'
"you are not having a dream, unless you consider life a dream" came a deep and pleasant voice from behind her, accompanied by a chuckle. as she turned she gasped to see a huge, to her, boulder transforming animatedly into a giant frog who spoke again:
"life might be a dream you know, if you let it be.... greetings young Lady" said he. " how may i help you?" "i really d-d-don't know" she stammered, sitting on a rock; "i can't  quite, quite... believe..." "then allow me to tell you ~  i am the Oracle after all" he chuckled.
"you see dear, that is the problem here; you can't quite believe. you see and hear things that you immediately dismiss as fantasy or prevarication because you have never experienced them... quite limited. you do not allow yourself the pleasure of imagination or creativity, which keeps experiences from entering your life. the Wheel of Great Fortune and Fun is rolling by you because you refuse to see it, believe me. i see you sitting alone, engaged in logical mental activity, yet your mind remains closed, as does your heart...."
"you are harsh, Sir!" "perhaps, but nonetheless correct. please, dear Lady, for the sake of a joyous life, open your mind to imagination and your heart to play. consider it a dream if you will, but engage in and believe that dream only once and you will see.... the next time you see your sisters at celebration, laughing and singing, join them. even if you know not why, give it a try. drop your pretended boundaries of logical thought for once, and you will see that Great Wheel roll right into your life. believe me, you will not wish to ever turn away again. imagine that which may seem unimaginable, and if you want, it will be...."
"well, i shall try" said she. "Brava!" shouted the Frog Oracle. "and also, before you go, would you please catch a large fly for me? my tongue is all twisted from talking." she looked horrified, but he chuckled and said, "just playing my dear, just playing," and they both had quite a good laugh.

enjoy the dream and the day!
saxz ∞


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