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Precious Penny
she was alone, and in despair. such despair that she could not even see the beauty in the ocean she had always loved so much. today it simply looked like a vast pool, drowning everything in it's wake.
'how is it that i have lost the urge to go on?' she thought to her self. then said aloud, "how wonderful it would feel to just swim out there and go to sleep with the mermaids...."
at that very moment, a tiny, very young girl emerged from the water smiling and laughing happily, and ran directly toward her. "hello" said the girl; "may i sit with you and get warm?" "well of course dear" said the woman, and offered her a blanket to wrap up in. "where's your mother?" "oh, she's probably around somewhere. but don't worry about her; she will be okay without me for now." "well.... alright" spoke the woman, hesitantly. somehow, she was already feeling better. "what's your name, child?"
"my name is Penelope, but my mother calls me 'Precious Penny', because when i was born, i was the most precious thing she had ever seen. " "oh" said the woman; "my mother used to call me 'Precious' too." "how marvelous!" exclaimed the girl. "we have the same name! you know, my mother also says that life is the most precious gift ever." "perhaps" muttered the woman, "but sometimes one just can't see it that way."
"because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not true" said the girl quite seriously. "she also says that i should always value my life, because i have wonderful, important things to do; and you never know what sweet surprises might be just around the corner. i believe her.... we have the same name; perhaps you have wonderful, important things to do too!" "perhaps" answered the woman. "i would like to believe that...." "well then, believe it, because i know it's true!" laughed Precious Penny and stood up and started to sing: "life is precious, we must believe... yes, life is precious to you and me... sing with me please; life is precious, we must believe!"
the woman was compelled to sing and dance with her, all the while feeling better and better, until they both fell in the sand laughing aloud and rolling in the waves of the now beautiful ocean.
"come, Precious Penny" laughed the woman taking the girl's hand. let's go find your mother." and as they walked hand in hand, she spoke softly as if to herself; "i think i will name my first child Penelope...."
life is the most precious gift. please treat it well.
saxz ∞
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