about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

thursday, july 14, 2011

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‹› Movement around a perfect Center ‹›
"this is a time of Movement" announced the Dragon Yang.
"this is a time of Centering" announced the Dragon Yin.
"and both are true" they announced simultaneously, and continued to speak together with one powerful voice:
"we have had a realization ~ there has been an opening in the Portal of Progress through which the old energies cannot pass, and the Human hangs upside down from the tree Yggdrassil. unneeded, undesired energies are draining away as we fly into the Unknowable. this is our Destiny at this time and we must be prepared. Movement will swirl all around us as we traverse the portal, so we must stay strong in our Center to not become lost, and flexible in our Wings to ride the Whorling Winds of Synastry. please know that in this flight Patience and Perseverance are counseled; we will need to foresee the consequences of direction before we strike out, but then we must fly resolutely on the chosen path. 
"we are choosing as a whole to take the risk of this flight through the Portal of Progress into the Unknowable, because the Old Ways are no longer valid and we will flourish with the advent of these New Beginnings. with the completion of the flight into New Energy, we will find a time and space of full balance: balance of body, mind and spirit. this has been foretold in the Realization..."
"so, all Dragons, find your Centering place now" said Dragon Yin.
"and prepare to fly!" finished Dragon Yang.

T'saragon Soom Delicasz ~ May Thy Flight be Gracious

saxz  .‹*°*•∞•*°*›.

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