about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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friday, july 15, 2011

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tui ~ Full Joyousness
 the old seer was running through the streets shouting:
"i have seen the Elephants in the sky! trunks up! it is a great time of Joy!"
everyone knew that she was totally blind, but they always believed what she saw. as they gathered around to hear, the Seer continued:
"dear friends and family, the portents are magnificent. we reach the Full Moon tonight, the Holly Moon, a luscious time of  ripening toward harvest; and the Elephant trunks are up! an auspicious sign of good luck and fortune. this is potent Magic. at this time, all problematic situations can be reversed with gentleness by holding true to our principles and being receptive to our spiritual inner core. hold fast to the true origin of life, the Divine Breath, and share this with others. as you relate to each other, root yourselves in this Breath and keep the three Mystics, Mouth Mind and Will, firmly united and aligned as one. with this in your heart, all confusion will dissolve and we will reach a clarity leading us to true, impassioned enlightenment and Oneness.
"feel the full sense of Joy, for a time of unity and abundance is upon us. jump, laugh, dance and wing in this Joy and it will surely increase ~ Elephant after glorious Elephant will walk into our existence, trunks held high, sounding their cry of happiness and fulfillment for us all. take it upon yourselves to become those fortuitous elephants and share the sounding of Joyousness throughout, for i have seen the coming of our future days, and they are fully blessed"
as the old, blind Seer looked around her she saw them dancing, all with one another, and heard them singing the song of Unity and Love with unadulterated Joy.

may you be Fully Blessed at this potent time
saxz ∞ 

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