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‹› simply enlightened ‹›
"i have had a vision" she announced; "a waking dream."
everyone had reluctantly gathered at her request, and were surprised to hear this from her. they began to murmur incredulously. she had always been known as the most practical, simple and plain person in the village, never given to fantasy or imagination. however, as they looked at her in disbelief, most noticed that she somehow appeared different than before; almost glowing with beauty and serenity. as they quieted, she continued:
"i was standing in the stream, washing my feet and wondering aloud about the troubles we've had in this village and the strife which threatens to tear us apart. of a sudden, i heard my own voice, somewhat changed, say, 'come; converse with your inner wisdom where answers may be found.' i was compelled to answer, 'yes' and immediately the water transformed into feathery clouds and i began to vibrate at such a high level i floated and a brilliant light shone from me...." everyone gasped as they witnessed this very thing happen to her there in front of their eyes.
"again, i was compelled to ask, 'what must we do?' and the same voice, my voice answered:
'first, you must know that following your highest principles will ultimately bring happiness to all. the greed of some must stop; for to seek wealth or power at the expense of others will destroy not only the individual but the collective as well, and peace shall never be found, enlightenment shall never be reached. seek rather to help as you are helped, nurture as you are nurtured, love as you are loved, and this balance will bring serenity to all.
'from this place of serenity, learn to communicate with respect, flexibility and grace. you will find that differences and friction will vanish as you give to others that which you wish to receive, speak to others as you wish to be spoken to. live by this daily in all interactions and strife will no longer be the undercurrent of your existence.
'truly believe in the beauty inherent in each individual, and harmony will come to the whole and you will be capable of anything and everything...'"
as her voiced trailed off, and everyone was compelled to say "yes," everyone in the group could easily see each person shining with the same brilliant light as she, and felt hope and possibility for the future fill the room with song....
with unwavering hope for us all
saxz ∞
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