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intuition, wisdom, discipline
she was known far and wide as the Nature Sage, and she was always correct in her readings. they entered her Grove and saw her sitting on the ground with a cloth spread before her. glancing briefly up at them, she immediately threw some leaves on the cloth and began to read for the whole group:
"ahhh, said the Sage. "it seems that between now and the Full Moon, one week, you shall all be seeking the pleasure in your life. now, this is not necessarily carnal pleasure you understand, rather the pleasure in what you do in life and how you progress.... the signs look quite favorable for success in finding this."
the Sage took a moment to study the leaves and she seemed to be seeing images they could not see. "yes. the High Priestess. she is cautioning you to rely on wisdom in this search and trust your intuition, follow your feelings this week to find that for which you search. and with this, the Emperor is advising discipline as well, and precise planning as you define what brings you pleasure and bring it into life. hmmmm...."she paused..."there seem to be positive Karmic influences providing new opportunities for even greater success if you follow this advice. Yes, indeed, quite auspicious.
"the leaves are extremely solid on this: do not procrastinate when these opportunities arrive, participate fully in life and enjoy the challenge as you seek your assuredly emerging pleasure in your life. have discernment, but once discerned as correct move directly into these opportunities.
"surprisingly, there is a powerful energy moving you through your present situation and roadblocks will be removed as you make precise decisions.
"it's very clear: your rewards will be great. ~ following intuition (trust your feelings) with wisdom and planning you will find the pleasure you seek and may even have a spiritual transformation in the bargain."
They all left feeling quite happy and could hear the Sage whispering to the leaves, "yes, very auspicious, yes...."
may we all find that which brings us pleasure in our life, our work and our play
saxz ∞
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