about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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wednesday, june 29, 2011

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☴ gradualness ~ JEN Hexagram ☶
today, we are being asked to consider that impatience to achieve can cause loss of progress. gradualness is the key here. watch the beauty and determined nature of water birds: they migrate to distant lands, achieving their goal in a gradual step~by~step process. they instinctively are aware that, by necessity, they must rest and rejuvenate at different places on their long journey. if one should decide to skip this moment of gathering of energy, and continue on past the physical limits of the body, it is unlikely that she would reach her goal unscathed by the ravages of exhaustion. she might even have to turn back, negating the progress made. our worldly goals and our spiritual goals are the same in this instance ~ follow the needs of the seasons, as it were.gradual progress leads one to higher levels, so do not despair at times of rest and gathering of strength. allow yourself the patience and discernment to know when pushing forward recklessly toward your goals may not only hinder your progress, but can possibly devastate your chances of reaching them. certainly, quantum flights may come at times within the journey ~ revel in them... but know that even those may be considered gradual progress in the larger scheme of things. then rejoice in taking time to gather colors and thoughts. absorb energy and blessings at these times so the next flight to the next resting point will be strong and progressive. your life will be full and you spirit whole.
good fortune comes by staying on the path and taking time to rest and enjoy the progress.

may thy flights be always gracious, 
saxz ∞


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