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building bridges
the Master Carpenter was looking up to the sky with a smile of appreciation as he said "today, we are going to build a bridge, and we are going to build it in the sky!" everyone called to him at once: "in the sky? what do you mean, 'in the sky'? how can we? there's nothing to build on...."
"easy, easy, calm down" answered the Master Carpenter. "this is a kind of magical bridge; a bridge of communication. and we shall build it in the sky of our minds." "are we going to use magic wood, Master?" teased one precocious boy.
"Yes, we shall do just that... everyone, look at the sky for a moment and pretend that just on the other side of that cloud bank are beings of beauty and power, such as yourselves, to whom you wish to communicate freely and in peace. now, imagine building a bridge of magical wood directly over to them. each plank you lay to make this bridge, each magical piece of wood you use, is a thought, or a word. what happens to a bridge if you use rotten wood?" "it falls down!" they all answered. "yes. very true. and if you use rotten words or thoughts to make this bridge of communication, it too will collapse, fall down. what kind of wood do you think we should use?" "strong wood, pretty wood, happy wood, magic wood....!" came a flood of response. "yes again" said the Carpenter. remember, even one piece of weak wood, angry wood, or argumentative wood can destroy the whole bridge. hold this in your hearts, dear beings of beauty and power: to build the best bridge of communication, you must always take care to choose your thoughts and your words well ~ just as you would choose wood. be genuine and sincere as you talk with other beings of beauty, and give them the respect of listening fully and compassionately as well. they also have much to share. in this manner, you will find that those you wish to communicate with will be building their own magical bridge which will meet yours halfway. then, my dears, you shall have your bridge in the sky, and it will be strong and happy and last 'til bridges are no longer necessary.... now, shall we talk about building a house with love?"
bridging the gap
saxz ∞
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