about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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monday, june 27, 2011

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Call of the Soul
he was wandering aimlessly, wondering upon which path to trod, when he happened upon his mentor sitting quietly, intent on something she was watching in the flowers. he bowed slightly to her, indicating he would like to sit. she responded with a gracious nod and a whisper like the breath of a dragonfly: "let us speak quietly so as not to disturb the Lady Green going about her purpose." at that, the student noticed a gorgeous insect flying between the flowers. he turned to his mentor and said, quietly, "may i be permitted to ask what purpose you are about esteemed One?" "certainly: i am taking a lesson from the Lady here." "you? i assumed you had finished with taking lessons." 
"Ahhh..." answered the mentor, "lessons never stop unless One stops living ~ and even then, i'm not so sure.... at any rate, i have watched the Lady Green going from flower to flower. do you see how industrious she is? when i asked her why she worked so hard and went so conscientiously to each flower, she replied 'i am following the Call of My Soul. it guides me to taste the nectar of the flowers and help spread their beauty far and wide.' so, treasured student, i am learning about the directions one chooses to take in life, and the importance of answering the Call." 
"and how does one hear the Call of the Soul?" he asked.
"one listens." she replied. "the Soul reaches out to everyone to communicate and to guide. quiet the clamouring of questions in your mind and listen to the song sung by your higher self. when the notes enter into your heart, you will see and hear the call of your soul directing you to that which is your purpose, your Way in this life. you will know because it feels right. your intuition will sing in harmony and help show you the path to take to fulfill this Call. just as the Lady here, you will want to work diligently and take right action toward that fulfillment. as a sign, you will find you have no resistance to taking this path and find the Tree of Life blooming for you there. regardless of apparent obstacles on the Way, this is truly the path of least resistance.... now, let us be quiet, and find what else i may learn from the Lady Green..."
the student began to listen with his heart, his mind, and his spirit and could then hear the faint stirrings of his Soul, whispering quietly to him...

one listens...
blessings, saxz ∞

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