about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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tuesday, june 21, 2011

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balance and cycles...
a blesséd Solstice to all! on this first day of summer, the longest day of the year, take a moment to ruminate, yet again, on the inherent balance in the cycles we see throughout nature....
when justborn Dragons are learning to fly, they repeat the old adage, 'balance is a matter of fact' over and over again. in the air, they find they may tilt their wings one way or the other to an extreme, yet somewhere in their core a balance is retained. 
today we have a balance in the extreme ~ the place where the pendulum pauses for the slightest of breaths before returning on its path in its ever moving cycle of change. if we relate this to our own lives, we are allowed to perceive balance even at its most asymmetrical point. if we are able to stay centered in ourselves at these points of tilting in the extreme, then when we reach a more symmetrical place in our life's balance, it will feel like soaring on the Breath of the Goddess ~ flying with power and strength as the justborn Dragons learn to do. Revel in these cycles of your life for it is they that bring the changes necessary to roll forward with dignity and grace.
also remember ~ the Sun in most all Oracles, represents success, prosperity and fulfillment. may this Solstice and its potent cyclical power bring these to you.
many blessings,
saxz ∞


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