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seeds of abundance
it was in her purpose to take a certain path carrying two tiny seeds from the same magical fruit, with the intention to give them as gifts. shortly after beginning her quest, she came upon a man sitting in front of a small and humble abode, gleefully having a repast of tea and bread. he smiled broadly at her as she bowed, returned her greeting and invited her to join him.
"but you have so little, kind sir" she said. he answered promptly; "i find one always has enough to share, gracious Lady, even if in small amounts." "my deepest gratitude." and as she drank tea she continued; "i have a gift for you. this tiny seed..." "my, what an exquisite seed! thank you dear Lady. let us plant it now together" he replied.... as they watered the planted seed, she told him "this is a magic seed. it will bring you great abundance." "well then" he replied, "may it bring abundance for all!"
the Lady Neeshka continued on her way then, and after a while happened upon another man; this one gorging himself on meat and cheese and rice wine in the yard of a large, magnificent dwelling. "what do you want?" he said rudely to her as she bowed. "i have this for you" she said holding out the other seed. he scoffed at her saying "why would i want that ugly seed?" "it is a magic seed and will bring you abundance. but i see you already have enough...." "one can never have enough!" he shouted and grabbed the seed from her hand. "now, go away! i'm busy."
years later, she went back on the path to find the results of the gifted seeds. at the first man's house, the whole village was happily picking and eating abundant fruits from grand trees and his house was large and held a glorious family playing and singing. she joined in the festivities, receiving many thanks for her magnanimous gift. however, at the second house, the man was worn and withered. his trees were dying and his house in disrepair. he saw her and shouted angrily "you said that seed would bring me abundance!" "yes" she replied. "it has ~ brought you abundance of what you gave it. that is the Way of abundance." Lady Neeshka went on along the path singing a sweet song and seeing glory everywhere.
many blessings to all,
saxz ∞
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