about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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tuesday, november 1, 2011

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‹› centering in radiance ‹›

"fire symbolizes illumination and beauty" Master Li was saying to the student next to him as he worked with the molten glass; "and though it is beautiful and powerful, it can be difficult to control."
Master Li glanced at the student, who was more interested in her own reflection than his words, and then spoke again. "fire can also represent the mind that is not still and is, in an attempt to be radiant, lost in the burning search for external beauty. external beauty is not the true radiance, dear student, but true radiance can absolutely create a beauty much more pleasing than any external ministrations." this caught the girl's attention, so the master glass worker continued his lesson.
"consider this glass as it liquefies with the heat of the fire: too much fire and it melts away and loses its natural shine. but with just the right amount of directed heat, it moves and glows into beauty. it is good to remember this in your own search, Lessa. you must calm your mind and direct it to the true source of beauty, else it may melt it away. allow yourself to seek deeply through the layers and pathways of your own living glass sculpture, your inner being, and find the heart of your true beauty... the core of true radiance. center your mind there, Lessa, and allow it to nurture that inner beauty with thoughts of love for all things of Creation, including yourself. allow the now centered power of your mind to warm that inner beauty with acceptance until it glows, but does not melt. if you close off all distractions and expectations of the outer world, you will find that the glowing will begin to expand into and through the layers and pathways of your being and ultimately shine out beyond your shell of external concerns. this, dear girl, is the true radiance of life and love from within, and there is no beauty to match it. always center yourself in this radiance, Lessa, and you will find the truth of your beauty every time you see your reflection in any glass, mirror, or in someone else's eyes. happiness and abundant good fortune will follow you more and more as you find and allow this true beauty."
Master Li then glanced at Lessa, and saw that already her radiance was outshining the liquefying glass.

share your radiance, for it is the truest beauty


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