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‹› pulling out the roots ‹›
Sharlet searched deep into the wetlands somehow knowing she would find the Elemental Scryer there. when she finally came upon him, he spoke to her as if he had been expecting the visit, and knew why she had come.
"you have sought me Sharlet, and have found me" the Scryer said as she approached him. "so i am bound by honor to tell you what the elements have to say in answer to your questions." he then rubbed his hands together, and as he did so, to Sharlet's profound surprise, they both began to levitate over the water plants until the were floating above the swamp. the Scryer silently extended his arms and they floated there as he continued to talk as if nothing unusual was happening:
"the air wishes to support you in your flight of life, Sharlet, but you are bogged down in the roots of past events. this is happening deep inside you and keeping you from the fulfillment of your dreams. look carefully at the baby bird: that is you Sharlet. the child who feels her potential, yet finds herself wading through ancient waters, being tripped and fouled by the roots of trauma passed. even though these events are long gone and their immediate emotional effect has withered and dried, the tangle of their roots below the surface still grab hold of and overwhelm you at times, keeping you down and fearful. they can be tenacious and well hidden these roots, but you must seek them as you have sought me, and pull them from the depths in which they are ensconced. be discerning here Sharlet; the roots of constructive past events, you want to nurture and maintain their presence in your present. however, those which have caused pain and destruction of your esteem no longer have a place in your present, nor indeed, in your future. to allow them to continue entangling you is to give them power over you that no longer needs be. rather, pull them up and allow them to die away so they may never assert control over your actions and decisions again. they simply no longer exist. be persistent in this, dear girl, knowing that at times even the smallest of roots left can regrow and interlope into your life when you are emotionally wrought, vulnerable and insecure. these are states which this kind of destructive roots feed on. stay strong and keep diligent, pulling them out from the deepest recesses of memory and life, and one day (you will know when) they will be completely exorcised and can no more exercise control over your thoughts or your actions. on this day, the little bird wading inside will spread her wings and take happily to the air which wishes to support her flight."
the Elemental Scryer then pulled his arms together, and he and Sharlet floated safely to solid ground. as they did so, a large and gorgeous bird took flight over the bog and the Scryer pointed up saying, "look carefully, Sharlet; that is you...."
T'saragon soom delicasz
may thy flight be gracioussaxz
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