about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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sunday, june 12, 2011

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the magic of miracles
as she lay napping, merely nodding at some exhausted dream, there came a tapping at her window which she waved away unseen. but the tapping became insistent and she opened her eyes to see a beautiful bird begging entry. "a raven!" she exclaimed, and went to open the screen. her big old cat, Edgar Allan, looked, then turned away thinking out loud, "that's not a raven. just a big blackbird come to disturb sleep." Raven, for that is what the woman insisted on calling the bird,  spoke to her then:
"don't mind the cat. he's a cynical old beast. besides it matters not whether i look like a hummingbird, a heron, or even a dragon; it is the spirit of raven i bring, and i come to ask you just one thing ~
"have you forgotten the magic of life?" "bah! magic is for children" said she. "we are all children in the scheme of things" replied Raven. "you toil and toil and dream and dream, and have forgotten to see the miracles around thee. be that child once again, and remember the sweet scents after rain, the beauty of a butterfly bursting forth to life, the mysterious fireflies..." "they're just bugs" the woman interrupted. "if you so choose, yet still magical miracles of the Creative Thought.... dear girl: open yourself again to the pleasure of life. be willing to look intimately at yourself and re-find the magic within. you are blessed with miracles all around and your magnificent Spirit waits for the joy of your sight. see them as blessings everywhere and your path will glow with the radiance of the universe...."
Raven hopped to a branch preparing to leave, but turned back to say, "don't forget the magic !" even Edgar Allan looked up as the girl answered, "i shant forget. nevermore...."

nor shall i, 
blessings, saxz ∞


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