selfless giving and the treasured plum
she was sitting atop a hill painting the glorious sunflowers when she noticed an Elder trying to lift and move a huge log. behind him, there sat a luscious plum split open upon a table. four people came to him apparently offering to help. he waved them away and continued to struggle with the log. so, she walked down and said to him,
"can i help you?" "and why do you offer to help me?" "because i can, and it looked to be a task more easily done by two."
with that, the Elder lightly kicked the log and it rolled over to the table with the plum. "yes" said he. "please help me eat this beautiful fruit." as they ate, she asked why he had waved the others away...
"well, when i asked why the first offered to help, he said because his teacher told him he must. now, helping others is a great thing to teach, but this one did not understand the lesson, so i sent him back to his teacher to tell her i didn't need her help. for indeed it was she offering, not he. the second, when asked, said, 'to prove my strength and generosity of spirit.' to her i said, 'thank you, but Spirit needs no proof, nor do i.' the third said directly 'i'll help you old One if you'll give me that plum.' now, i like poets but not mercenaries, so i replied, 'the plum is not for you' and sent him on his way. the fourth was just asking directions, but knew not where she was going....
however, you, bright being, stopped your own work and offered help without coercion, expectation or conceit from that selfless place in your heart radiating with true intention and Spirit. so, we get to share the treasured plum. please, have more ~ there is abundant treasure."
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selfless love is the greatest gift.....
saxz ∞
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