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lost and found...
the reporter had relaxed a little in the presence of this phenomenal woman, and felt he could finally ask the question for which everyone wanted an answer:
"Ms. Celeste, you have had an incredibly full life and have become one of the most influential people of this time with countless books, teachings and followers. Yet there is still one mystery: at one point you disappeared for weeks, but then returned with a fervor which started your amazing career..."
"yes" she said. "it is time i told that story ~
i was lost, totally lost, in my life and on the road. i had wandered in deep depression into a deep forest. i felt uninspired, unloved, worthless in my life. i sat down under a large an magnificent tree and said aloud, 'this would be a fine place to die. perhaps that is for the best.' suddenly, the flowers and the butterflies all went into motion as if they had turned into Faeries, flying all about me and tickling me with their wings. tiny voices were ringing out all around me saying incredible things:
'do you not see the Divine light in you? can you not feel the light that permeates you and shines forth from you? you are a star dear human, and are destined to change the world with your knowledge and creative spirit. everyone has this Divine light in them, but also everyone puts their own glory into their expression of this light, so each is unique and important. it is time now for you to reveal your true colors ~ you are going through an inspired rebirth and it is time that you expressed the beauty and wisdom pouring from you. use the creativity that has been gifted you, express with the passion of commitment and joy. and know, dear human, that you are indeed a vital part of the continually moving cycle of life, and share that part with the world.'
"i know not how long i stayed in the Enchanted Forest, but when i came back, i knew what i must do, and began my new, and as you say, incredibly full life."
the reporter was awestruck with this fantastical revelation, but had no choice but to believe her, her truth was so strong....
Faery and Elemental blessings to all,
saxz ∞
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