about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.
key words for today: love, healing, forgiveness. these are inextricably linked for the Way to both forgiveness and healing can be found through love. and in the Huna (Hawaiian mystic) tradition, forgiveness is often the first step toward complete healing, since guilt, pain and resentment held in the psyche lock up energy, bring illness to the body and mind, and inhibit the growth of spirit. as we are all one, the capacity to transgress, intentionally or not, resides in us all. so we must forgive self as well as others to find the freedom to truly, fully heal. acknowledgment of the transgression, atonement (coming to accord ~ changing one's ways) and pardoning through love, are steps on this path.

 click on image to enlarge

may we continue to love as we seek to heal ourselves and help others to heal...
blessings, saxz ∞

 if you are receiving this by email and wish to see divinations of days past, click on the link for Daily Integrative Divinations and find the archives there.. thank you


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