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‹› catching a thermal ‹›
on a whim, Sara, the Urban Shaman, took a walk along a path in the countryside. she encountered no one until, after a long time, she stepped into a clearing just as a woman passed her going the other direction with her head bent down. the woman did not even notice Sara, but immediately in some precognitive response to the other woman's demeanor, Sara looked up to the sky. she quickly turned around and called to the back of the passing figure:
"if your name is Audrey, i have something to tell you!"
the other woman stopped and turned slowly to face the Urban Shaman and said, cautiously, "yes. my name is Audrey, but how did you..."
Sara cut her off saying, "i heard your name as i looked to the sky and received a message for you. i knew it must be you, for there is no one else around!" she chuckled a little as Audrey incredulously moved toward her, then closed her eyes and continued in a sort of trance.
"catch a thermal, Audrey. that is the message the Raptors in flight have told me. allow me to elucidate.... you are fighting the wind my dear girl. you are despondent and feel as if you are getting nowhere fast, for that very reason. you must use your discerning intuition and your keen inner sight to find the thermal winds in your present situation, instead of trying to fly above or below them. otherwise you waste energy and allow the movement of those around you to keep you hovering, or even going backwards. once you catch the thermals, you will find that you can fly with ease for a great distance, and even glide past the difficulties and obstacles of this situation. also, once there in these benign drafts, you will be able to relax and look at the bigger picture of everything. from there, your present hardships will seem paltry, being only a small portion of the large sky. ahhh, yes dear Audrey, you can fly high and well if you will lift your head, use your your gift of potent inner sight, espy the thermal passages of support and serenity, and dive right into them. there you need not even use your wings but for balance as you soar. fight the winds no longer my friend. catch a thermal and you will find more energy, more strength, and more joy in your life."
Sara, opened her eyes, looked at Audrey and said, matter-of-factly "well. that's it. that's the message." she turned and started to walk away. Audrey shook her mind back into reality and called after the Urban Shaman,
"please, allow me to thank you. if you would care to join me, whoever you are, i have some apples, wine and cheese in my pack here."
"oooh, that would be lovely! my name is Sara. yes, that would be perfect; we can lie in the grass for a while and watch the birds ride the winds...."
T'saragon soom delicasz ~ may your flight be gracious
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