about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

sunday, december 4, 2011

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‹› freedom is nigh ‹›

the old Druid Bard's voice came as if on the wind to her ears,
vibrating across lake and sky;
and she found it exactly the song she needed to hear,
as the unseen Bard passed on by...

freedom won
comes with feelings of strength,
and pride in an
accomplished feat

freedom found
comes full of joy,
and finds itself
with celebration replete

freedom given, however,
may come as bittersweet;
for remembrance of it being
not possessed

while freedom shared
with another heart's beat
... comes without words
to express ...

blessings of freedom possessed


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