about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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thursday, october 6, 2011

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‹› the little Blossom ‹›
the Master Gardener heard a rustling in the hedge. looking up from his care~giving to the plants, he noticed a young girl peering out from the shadows. "greetings, little blossom" he said to her with a welcoming smile. "hello. my name is Rose" she returned timidly. "Ahhh, 'a Rose by any other name..." the gardener quoted quietly, then added; "are you interested in gardening, Rose? you know, there are many things we can learn about life from nature." Rose, intrigued, began to amble towards him, so he softly continued:
"for instance; look at this small flower. can you see her there, growing alone in the shadow of these leaves? perhaps you and she have something in common, Rose." "yes, i can see her! she's beautiful" exclaimed Rose, squinting through the sunlight. "as are you little blossom. but that beauty is difficult to see, because she's a bit hidden" continued the gardener gently. "now, notice that she has five petals. let's say that each of these petals represent a part of her life, and can be read like cards of divination." he waved his hand over the flower, and there appeared five cards with pictures, each streaming from one of the petals. Rose gasped slightly but remained silent, so the Master Gardener spoke again:
"from one of those petals, we see what we already know ~ that something deep inside keeps her beauty hidden in the dark, even though she might prefer to play and grow in the sunshine where she might grow even more beautiful. this can change, as we see from the other petals. there is a chariot on one card, which looks as if it might be being pulled in two directions. one dark and one light. this would indicate movement of some kind, and a decision that the flower must make. perhaps we might say that if she decided that she could feel safe and secure in the light, she could grow away from the shadows and get more sun on her petals." Rose looked up at him then, with the truth of tears beginning to form in her eyes. the Gardener immediately continued:
"this can be a tough decision, Rose, but we see support for it in the other petals. see this one, with the woman and the lion? this represents the strength that this little flower has inside to help her along. this is the flower in your heart too, Rose. there is that quiet voice from within that gives the most strength.  this flower knows, from within, that she can, with determination, find the strength to grow away from the gathering darkness. but she must believe in herself to do so.... now, looking at the last two petals,  we can see what future this blossom may have if she so chooses this path of strength and openness. there is this beautiful woman surround by gains from the world. pentacles, representing wealth and bounty in life. and flowers growing well in the sunlight. she is very pleased and content with all she has become, and with her self sufficient abundance. just as you can become, dear Rose.... and then the last petal tells us that this little blossom will come to a wonderful and complete balance in life, and will be able to cope with anything that is put to her. she reralizes without doubt that she gets back as much and more as she gives to others, and she displays this truth with grace and beauty."
Rose began to think about all the Gardener had said, and before she knew it, he was gone, and she was playing and growing, unhidden, in the light of realization.

many blessings for growth and abundance

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