about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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tuesday, july 19, 2011

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‹› Enlightenment and Infinity ‹›
"illustrious Mentor" he said with an affectionate bow.
"illustrious Student" said she inclining her head. "there have been many passages since last we shared Tea."
"yes, many passages" he replied. "i have traveled to countless Realms and now have Students of my own." "so i have seen, dear boy, so i have seen. you have come with a question; what may it be?"
"well" said he, "i have guided many who are well pleased and consider me a Master. as taught i accept this humbly as their perception, but i am not so sure...." "a Student has asked you a question to which you know not the answer" offered his Mentor. "yes, this is true" he replied. "she came to me and asked, 'Master, what can i expect after i have attained Enlightened?'  Revered Teacher, i found i had no answer, for i am not certain that i have attained..."
"let us walk to the water's edge" she interrupted, " and see what we may see...." once there, she whispered "gaze upon you question, my son, and tell me what you find."
" i see clouds reflected, rippling in the pool..." "and what does that mean to you?" she asked. "that we are a moving reflection of that to which we aspire so others may learn that which we are learning. ...and, 'as above, so below'~ the higher we fly, the deeper we go."
"excellent!" exclaimed  his Mentor. "and what else do you see?"
"the image of a Dragon Ouroboros, biting his own tail around a Wheel turning in the sea. to me this speaks of the power and truth of the ever beginning, never ending vastness of infinity"
"well said, dear Student, well said. perhaps you're closer to Mastery than you think. you see, Enlightenment does not live on a single plane that once attained gains no more. is is akin to that Dragon at his own tail ~ alive and rippling and forever rolling, ever beginning from one point to the next. there are cycles of learning and cycles of teaching and cycles of learning... so each of us may be the Student always, and as the Master reflect that which we learn, on and on until there is nothing but Nothing."
as they walked arm in arm from the water's edge, his Mentor hummed a bit, then said "i am still the student too my son; enlighten me, please. what shall your answer be?"
"i shall say to her that i do not know, but perhaps we can search the answer together...."
"excellent" said she. i believe it's time for Tea...."

as we traverse these passages together...
may many blessings be
saxz ∞


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