about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

sunday, july 24, 2011

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‹› seeing auspicious change ‹›
'ahhhh. being a Cloud Seer is a wonderful thing' she thought to herself as she sat on the beach, searching for signs in the  beautiful scape of evening Sky. just then, images began to emerge from the clouds and she sat upright with an exclamation full of happiness and joy. as was her way, she blew three times on the Ceremonial Conch Shell to call everyone to the beach to hear her words.
"what is it Priestess? what do you see? what signs are there honored Seer?" they all shouted as they ran to her.
"it is magnificent!" she exclaimed. "please, sit and i shall say. Goodness and Purity are overflowing from the Cup of Divine Water, Divine Love. the womb of life is offering us new beginnings in an infinite variety of ways. we can anticipate with joy the coming days, my friends, seeing love and inspiration on the rise and literally flowing over our lives. our Spiritual growth will increase many fold over the coming time, so prepare yourselves for insight and understanding beyond any you have known before. it will come as a flash as the Sun and its vibrancy rises above the clouds of any predicament.
"also i see the signs of success in any endeavors we undertake; so the unknown is blessed from the very beginning. we will begin to see and accept unity, of two, of many, and the power of love shall increase as this symbolic day progresses. this is to be a time of great happiness, so rejoice and feel the blessings bestowed upon you! all our lives will be nurtured and cared for, if only we choose to accept the path of gratitude, truth and kindness. so look to your attitudes, dearest family, and be grateful for all we have and all we shall be receiving.
"we shall also be seeing all of these fruitful signs come to completion, as we see the bigger picture and reap the rewards of a prophecy fulfilled... blessings dear children; we are at the gate of promise!"

 many blessings
saxz ∞


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