about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
You'll see daily divinations, links, updates, announcements, and more as you follow this blog.

sunday, july 17, 2011

‹› the Gem of Enlightenment ‹›
early in the morning with the enlightening of the day, a lizard ambled by. not an unusual circumstance, and as usual i offered greetings:
"good day lovely lizard." "and a good day to you."
now, this was the first time that a lizard had ever responded, and to my continued surprise she continued, "you flatter me gracious Sir, but in truth i am a Bodhisattva, and i've come to ask you a question." "a lizard Bodhisattva?" i inquired. "and why not?" she asked. "i can assume many forms and i am dedicated to the enlightenment and benefit of all beings; large and small, high and low, and everything in between. besides, i like being a lizard...." "forgive my incredulousness" said i with a bow, "and please continue."
"thank you kind Sir. you, as many people, are on a path seeking the Gem of Enlightenment, which is a noble path. what i wish to ask is this: are you balanced upon this path, or are you denying a part of yourself for attainment of the Gem? if so, please listen ~ seek not to eradicate any part of the Whole for the attainment of one or the Gem will forever elude you. one of the unwritten secrets of true Enlightenment is that to be One with Spirit, one must be One with oneself..."
"that is a lot of ones" i quipped.
"yes indeed!" she said with a laugh. "notice the diamonds along my back and understand. the lowest one is my root. if i deny it so the highest one may work, i would have no grounding, no way to move on this earth. similarly, should i deny my head so my tail may work, i would have no imaginable direction. this is true for all the gems in between as well: deny not your senses or you lose the path of beauty here. forget not you physical core or you will lose your strength deny not your heart on the quest or you will lose compassion and intuition. deny not your voice or you can not sing the praise of gratitude. all these gems must work in consort, in balance, in harmony. one must be One with oneself. in this way, when you reach the end of your path, which is the beginning of another, you will be Whole and you will see the Light that shines on all."
with that, the little Bodhisattva ambled on, saying gracious farewells, and i began to take stock of my Self with my morning tea.

may we be whole so we may bring to others the Gem of life...
saxz ∞

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