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‹› attitude of transformation ‹›
because she would always appear out of thin air at the appointed times, some thought she was a 'Dimension Traveler'; some said, 'Time Traveler'; some offered, 'a Magician of the Highest Order....' but they all agreed that she was a Master Teacher who always brought wisdom and guidance, and as such brought her tributes of respect, the greatest of which was to listen well and promise to apply her teachings. she asked them to relax, breathe deeply and open their inner knowing to a place of receptivity, and this they did willingly as she began.
"there is at any given time the potential for unexpected change, and you are in the midst of that now. these changes may come as the force of a flowing river, or as the eruption of a volcano; however they arrive, it is advised that you allow yourself to be in a place of calm readiness so as not to be knocked senseless by their surprising impact. perceive the challenges which will accompany these changes as gifts; from the Universe, from the Divine, from the goddesses and gods, or from your own higher wisdom... it matters not how you define the source, but view them as gifts of learning and growth, and give blessings for the opportunity to move forward on your life's path.
"these changes are attendant in part because the very fabric of Reality is shifting at this time and will certainly rearrange your relationship to your life in this Physical Dimension. this macro~cosmic shift will also serve to accelerate and support your present transformation. use the wisdom of both your intelligent mind and your intuitive heart, working in consort, to glide through and embrace the transformation, and you will find the path much more pleasant and beneficial. remember, you always have a choice as to your personal response, but the guidance at this time is to allow these changes as a butterfly would ~ in joyous recognition of the organic nature of transformation and the dance of life....
"lastly, until i am able to return to you again, pay very close attention to your dreams and visions as you travel through time and these coming transitions. they can offer wonderful teachings and guidance during these times, and there you may even encounter me on my travels."
as was usual, the Master Teacher disappeared just as she had appeared, into thin air, and everyone sang their gratitude to the empty space left with her passing.
may we all assist each other as transformation takes us
blessings, saxz ∞
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