about daily divinations

As we tread this path through the amusement park of life,
we realize threads of substance and form, thought and emotion, energy and spirit connect us all.
All is One.
These daily divinations of guidance are dedicated to the hope that we may
understand this truth and traverse this universe with respect, harmony and wisdom.
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monday, november 28, 2011

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‹› look to the Moon ‹›

the Blind Seer greeted the young couple from her porch as they walked up the path toward her cabin.
"welcome to my humble home" she said simply, then began to make her way down the steps stopping a few feet in front of them. "hush, hush. no need to say anything my dears; i know why you have come" the Seer whispered as the couple started to appreciatively make introductions. she then thrust her arms out in their direction, moving her hands about as if to taste the air around the two with her fingers.
"my, what lovely people you are..." the old woman intoned distractedly as she raised her hands to the night sky and turned around in a circle. after three turns, she stopped directly in front of the Moon, and her hands began to magically glow with a golden hue. the Seer addressed them immediately in a strong and supple voice.

"i see this: look to the Moon for the guidance and truth you seek. recognize that, even if sometimes you are permitted to see only part of Her, she is always there, whole, and unperturbed by the partial light that shines upon Her. this is how you two must always come to each other; as whole, complete human beings, willing to be there in darkness and in light to support and offer help when needed. recognize also that you will progress through many cycles as you tread this path together, just as does the Moon. at this point, you are in the phase of the Crescent, waxing toward the fullness of your life and light. take care in this stage, my friends, for it is the sprout and shall inform the rest of your lives. become aware of how you treat each other now, for it will offer you a larger understanding of how love might grow or diminish in the coming cycles of change. always reach for the growth, dear ones, always reach for the growth. in the midst of difficulties with or blindness to one another, see respect and compassion grow. in this way, regardless of the outcome, you will not hurt each other or destroy your world. in the midst of happy, fulfilled times, see honor and appreciation grow. this will help to strengthen the bond you felt in the beginning, and stand you in good stead as you peer into your future. just as the Moon is open to the sky, be open to each other and fully accept the person that you see, in every phase, in every moment. otherwise, you will never know whether you love the person, or a reflection of some ideal you may have created in your blind eye. there are no guarantees in this life my darlings, but if you follow this advice from the celestial thought, your Crescent Moon will grow to golden fullness, bringing a deep, satisfying completion to your lives."

the Blind Seer dropped her arms to her side and said kindly as she turned to her cabin, "go now, and take the pleasant way home; the Way of Love." then as the couple started down the hill, arm in arm, the Seer turned from her porch and offered one last sight:
"hold on to each other dearly, but do not smother, lest you snuff the light of the Moon in whatever phase...."

blessings to you in all cycles of life


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